Cestovní deník

Odgooglovat nestačí

Framasoft vás zve, abyste se k nám připojili na společné dobrodružství: prozkoumat digitální světy, kde je respektována lidskost a naše základní svobody, které jsou respektovány až po vytvoření nástrojů, které používáme.

Během této cesty, plánované na roky 2017 až 2020, se vydejme definovat digitální nástroje, které umožňují náš přínos ve všech oblastech naší činnosti a ve všech typech kreativity.

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2017-2018: Create and offer tools

At Framasoft, thanks to three years of De-google-ifyInternet, which has put in place more than thirty alternative services, we know that the web giants don’t just siphon off our digital lives: by their very design, they shape our habits, our actions, even the way we think.

In the exploration of this first world, you’ll find online services that are designed with a different set of values, respecting the (private) lives of users and the diversity that makes up our networks. In this world are conceived the digital tools that allow us to share our ideas, our opinions, our meetings… even our videos!

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2018-2019: Pass on know-how

The web giants have based their model on centralising our data, seducing users with services which actually lock our digital existence into gigantic digital silos filled with our data: records of our clicks, our conversations, our personal life. To reproduce this centralised model is to concentrate power and the dangers that come with it.

Let us discover a world in which we don’t put all our lives in one single digital basket! A world in which, faced with the digital supermarkets that deal in our data, we organise digital "cooperatives" that are local and based on exchange. A world in which KITTENS abound, a world with personal clouds, where we teach each other, with international cross-pollination.

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2019-2020: Inspire the possibilities

There is a vision behind the services that the web giants offer. It reduces our intimacy to a commodity for the benefit of advertisers and marketers. This diminishes our role to that of a consumer and we are abandoning our freedom for more comfort. There is no room in this schema for digital tools that enable possibilities like participation, contribution and popular education.

That leaves an as yet unexplored world for us to discover and cultivate together, equipped with tools designed to develop new ways to team up and to create commons. A world that is inspired by countless communities (such as the free software community), to help each of us to choose the tools that work for us, to become digitally autonomous, to collaborate differently and to share knowledge.

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Kampaň byla zahájena dne October 9, 2017

Naposledy upraveno: June 20, 2024

Image credits David Revoy - Licence: Creative Commons By 4.0