
Popular education

Inspire the possibilities

Welcome to a world where everyone can share, and access, knowledge!

In 2019 and 2020 and after the important work of meetings, exchanges and collaborations, Framasoft proposes to concentrate on digital tools that facilitate access to shared knowledge.

It’s a world that is as yet uncharted, because it needs to be imagined together, with the actors who, each day, define a society where we contribute more than we consume, the society of contribution.

Access for all

As things stand, finding the libre web service which corresponds to your needs requires a great deal of know-how and remains difficult to access to those of us who are not at ease using digital tools.

It is by working jointly with these people, experts in digital accessibility, and professionals in design and user experience that Framasoft desires to tackle the question, while at the same time offering tools and training to the actors from territorial networks who work on digital access.

The aim? Creating the right tools and conditions to enable access to an ethical web for all.

Git within reach of all of us

Git is a tool which allows people to collaborate collectively on code. The way that it has been designed opens a magnificent gateway to understanding the methods, practices and frame of mind involved in collaboration.

How can we make it so that people who don’t code can benefit from the philosophy of such a tool? How can we adapt git, its jargon, its interface, etc. so that everyone can co-create and collaborate on texts or other contributed commons?

There are projects that exist already and it is with them that Framasoft will study possible solutions.


Becoming a KITTENS, a member of this collective of organisations which host ethical web services, is not an easy task: there is an impressive collection of know-how to acquire and of practices to understand.

It is with the members of this collective that Framasoft is proposing to create a MOOC, a massive open online course, to bring together and layout the know-how we want to share… and may the KITTENS in our collective basket multiply!

UPLOAD, University of the People of Libre

It is the project that is the least clear and perhaps the most crazy of this Contributopia: creating a University of the People of Libre that is Open, Accessible and Decentralised.

The desire is to create a digital tool where each and every one of us can share our know-how and find knowledge, or even (and let us dream) have it established.

It is difficult to describe today how this University of the People of Libre will be founded, since its construction will depend on the good will, contributions and partnerships that can be seized over the course of this voyage.

Campanya començada el October 9, 2017

Darrera modificació: June 20, 2024

Imatge de David Revoy - Llicència: Creative Commons By 4.0